May you find renewal in Christ during this season of celebration.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Stuck in the Mud
It's easy to get bogged down and even stuck in the "mud of life" sometimes. When problems arise and unexpected events happen my heart is overcome with sadness and despair.
The feeling of loss is powerful; the pain brings me to my knees. Questions of WHY swirl like storm clouds, anger strikes like a bolt of lightning and tears fall like rain.
The truth is, God always has a plan. Even when I'm stuck in the "mud", God loves me and comforts me. And in His own time, He will pull me up and out of the place I'm stuck and wash the muddiness away.
Until then I pray:
Dear God,
Please calm the storm inside me
Clear my eyes so I can see,
The rainbow You have sent to me.
Clear my mind so I can be
Thankful that You chose me,
To bear this burden of misery.
And through it all help me see,
The treasure You have hid for me.
by Sherry A. Hunt
Copyright Nov. 2008 - All Rights Reserved
The feeling of loss is powerful; the pain brings me to my knees. Questions of WHY swirl like storm clouds, anger strikes like a bolt of lightning and tears fall like rain.
The truth is, God always has a plan. Even when I'm stuck in the "mud", God loves me and comforts me. And in His own time, He will pull me up and out of the place I'm stuck and wash the muddiness away.
Until then I pray:
Dear God,
Please calm the storm inside me
Clear my eyes so I can see,
The rainbow You have sent to me.
Clear my mind so I can be
Thankful that You chose me,
To bear this burden of misery.
And through it all help me see,
The treasure You have hid for me.
by Sherry A. Hunt
Copyright Nov. 2008 - All Rights Reserved
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hearing God speak to my aching heart.
Obeying His command, though my world falls apart.
Praising His faithfulness, even though I'm lost.
Embracing His will, no matter what the cost.
by Sherry A. Hunt
Copyright May 2006
All Rights Reserved
Obeying His command, though my world falls apart.
Praising His faithfulness, even though I'm lost.
Embracing His will, no matter what the cost.
by Sherry A. Hunt
Copyright May 2006
All Rights Reserved
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A Flower Quickly Fading

a flower quickly fading
stands for all to see
it's beauty and it's fragrance
once filled an empty space
stands for all to see
it's beauty and it's fragrance
once filled an empty space
the love and joy it brought forth
made a difference in someone's heart
made a difference in someone's heart
and quickly now it's time has come
as it's petals fall to the ground
soon an empty place will be
where the flower used to stand
and those passing by will never know
of the beauty and the fragrance
that was and
is no more.
as it's petals fall to the ground
soon an empty place will be
where the flower used to stand
and those passing by will never know
of the beauty and the fragrance
that was and
is no more.
by Sherry A. Hunt - copyright July 2008 - All Rights Reserved
Thursday, June 12, 2008
For Everything There Is A Season...
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build up,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time... Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
I've discovered that there is a time to write and a time to ponder what has been written. The latter of the two is where I seem to find myself lately. Being a writer is interesting and perplexing. I have had plenty of opportunity since March to ponder the things I've written and practice the truths I find in the writing. God is faithful to teach us as we journey through each day. The willingness to listen and obey doesn't come easy sometimes, especially when we feel we've been done wrong. It seems that 'seeking justice' is the only thing that a person can think about as anger boils up inside you.
Recently, I've had to deal with that "rubbed raw" feeling in my heart. It felt like a badly scraped knee (the kind you get when you're a kid), but it was on my heart instead of my knee.
Red, raw, and bloody painful.
After I ran to my Heavenly Father's arms crying; pleading my case and telling Him all about how hurt I was. I heard Him gently say "Pray for the one whose hurt you." Hearing those words was like the sting of antiseptic burning!
(I remember as a child crying out OHHHHHHH!!!!! Blow on it mama, it burns! It burns! as she doused my bloody knee with antispectic.)
The last thing I wanted to do was pray for the person that hurt me, and when I did, it burned. I didn't like it!
But, each time I prayed the scrape on my heart became less raw, and to my amazement I wasn't as consumed with seeking justice any longer. My Heavenly Father knew the matter, and applied His healing balm each time I listened and obeyed His instruction. And once again I learn, my Heavenly Father knows best, even when it stings.
There is a time for everything... a time to write and a time to ponder what has been written.
My Prayer:
Dear Jesus please help me be content in whatever season of life I'm in, even when it stings.
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build up,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time... Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
I've discovered that there is a time to write and a time to ponder what has been written. The latter of the two is where I seem to find myself lately. Being a writer is interesting and perplexing. I have had plenty of opportunity since March to ponder the things I've written and practice the truths I find in the writing. God is faithful to teach us as we journey through each day. The willingness to listen and obey doesn't come easy sometimes, especially when we feel we've been done wrong. It seems that 'seeking justice' is the only thing that a person can think about as anger boils up inside you.
Recently, I've had to deal with that "rubbed raw" feeling in my heart. It felt like a badly scraped knee (the kind you get when you're a kid), but it was on my heart instead of my knee.
Red, raw, and bloody painful.
After I ran to my Heavenly Father's arms crying; pleading my case and telling Him all about how hurt I was. I heard Him gently say "Pray for the one whose hurt you." Hearing those words was like the sting of antiseptic burning!
(I remember as a child crying out OHHHHHHH!!!!! Blow on it mama, it burns! It burns! as she doused my bloody knee with antispectic.)
The last thing I wanted to do was pray for the person that hurt me, and when I did, it burned. I didn't like it!
But, each time I prayed the scrape on my heart became less raw, and to my amazement I wasn't as consumed with seeking justice any longer. My Heavenly Father knew the matter, and applied His healing balm each time I listened and obeyed His instruction. And once again I learn, my Heavenly Father knows best, even when it stings.
There is a time for everything... a time to write and a time to ponder what has been written.
My Prayer:
Dear Jesus please help me be content in whatever season of life I'm in, even when it stings.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What Do You Do When the Sheep Won't Follow?
Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love Me? “
And each time Peter answered, “Yes, Lord.”
Then Jesus commanded, “Feed My sheep.”
John 21:15-19
It occurred to me today that I understand in part the frustration Moses must have felt when he struck the rock instead of speaking to it like God told him to do. The constant pressure of leading people whether it is children, families, or employees can be exhausting.
As I look back at myself, I see the many times I have allowed myself to get so frustrated at other people that I reacted in a way that was disobedient to God. Here lately, I’ve found myself wanting to hide; run away; give up trying to do the job God has given me to do, which is to lead.
So I prayed, “What do you do when the sheep won’t follow?” And then it occurred to me, Jesus said “feed the sheep” not make them follow. It is His voice the sheep know, not mine. So, starting today, I shall “feed the sheep” God has placed in my care, and I will pray that God will lead them to do what’s right.
How to Feed the Sheep:
Forsake forcefulness
My Prayer:
Jesus, help me to remember to pray for each one of the sheep in my care, to feed them according to your instructions and leave the rest to you.
Copyright - S.Hunt - 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
How Much Do You Love Me?
How much do you love Me?
What choice will you make?
Will you endure the pain
and suffer for My sake?
No greater love has any man,
than to lay down his life for a friend.
How much do you love Me?
How far will you go?
Will you choose to lose all,
Or will your answer be no?
It's never too late no matter the sin,
My love for you will never end.
How much do you love Me?
Will you lay down your life?
If you follow Me you
Must make the sacrafice.
I am the Life, the Truth and the Way,
Follow Me and your heart I will mend.
copyright - S. Hunt - March 2008 - All Rights Reserved
What choice will you make?
Will you endure the pain
and suffer for My sake?
No greater love has any man,
than to lay down his life for a friend.
How much do you love Me?
How far will you go?
Will you choose to lose all,
Or will your answer be no?
It's never too late no matter the sin,
My love for you will never end.
How much do you love Me?
Will you lay down your life?
If you follow Me you
Must make the sacrafice.
I am the Life, the Truth and the Way,
Follow Me and your heart I will mend.
copyright - S. Hunt - March 2008 - All Rights Reserved
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Looking Back-Looking Forward
Looking back on this past year, I see lots of progress regarding my writing. I can't really say it's a "writing career", it's not that at all. However, I can call it a "writing ministry", it's that for sure.
Writing this past year has been an experience that has and still is changing my life day by day. The words I've written have ministered to my own heart. And now I see God working the truth found in each of the articles out in my heart and in my life.
As a teacher for over 10 years now, I know from experience that people learn at different levels. The spiritual truth you know and live today, you will learn again and again on a deeper level in the future.
As I look ahead to the future, I'm excited about the spiritual truth I am learning how to live. Who knows what tomorrow will hold for each of us, except God the Father. He knows exactly what we need day to day, week by week, and year to year.
My Prayer:
Jesus continue to be my compass each and every day. Teach me your ways. Mold me into what you want me to be. Thank you for loving me.
Writing this past year has been an experience that has and still is changing my life day by day. The words I've written have ministered to my own heart. And now I see God working the truth found in each of the articles out in my heart and in my life.
As a teacher for over 10 years now, I know from experience that people learn at different levels. The spiritual truth you know and live today, you will learn again and again on a deeper level in the future.
As I look ahead to the future, I'm excited about the spiritual truth I am learning how to live. Who knows what tomorrow will hold for each of us, except God the Father. He knows exactly what we need day to day, week by week, and year to year.
My Prayer:
Jesus continue to be my compass each and every day. Teach me your ways. Mold me into what you want me to be. Thank you for loving me.
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