Sunday, October 21, 2007

Come Soon Lord Jesus

Come soon Lord Jesus
Come soon to our rescue.

Send your angels to be close at hand
As we travel through this barren land.

Be our compass, show us the way.
Strengthen our hearts as we walk through each day.

Fill us with Your Spirit; go before us in a cloud.
Part the waters with Your Word; save us with Your shroud.

A shroud is a rope which gives support to the mast which supports the sails on a ship. The shrouds allow the mast to withstand the strain of the weight of sail in a fresh wind. They hold the mast up against the wind.

What a beautiful picture of God's love and power. His hand reaches out to each of us like a shroud, steadying us, holding us up against the wind as we sail on to the place He has prepared for each of us.

Dear Jesus please help us to hold on to Your hand; help us to not be afraid.